Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in China to effectively combat pain and to promote healing. It is now being used frequently in the West for the same purpose.
For the last 25 years Western scientific and medical studies have been carried out which are proving time and time again the efficacy of Acupuncture in the treatment of many types of painful conditions. Such as lower back pain, arthritis, nerve pain, knee problems, muscle strains, migraine headaches, menstrual pain, tennis elbow and a host of other issues.
Western and Chinese Medicines still have different understandings of how Acupuncture rids pain and promotes healing, but there is now a consensus from all around the entire world that it does do this quite effectively...
For the last 25 years Western scientific and medical studies have been carried out which are proving time and time again the efficacy of Acupuncture in the treatment of many types of painful conditions. Such as lower back pain, arthritis, nerve pain, knee problems, muscle strains, migraine headaches, menstrual pain, tennis elbow and a host of other issues.
Western and Chinese Medicines still have different understandings of how Acupuncture rids pain and promotes healing, but there is now a consensus from all around the entire world that it does do this quite effectively...
In the West they think that Acupuncture helps to release pain killing endorphins and happy inducing serotonin in the brain to produce the pain free effect.
In Chinese Medicine the Acupuncture needles simply stimulate the energy in the body when they are inserted. This causes extra energetic activity in the area that is in pain. By powering up the area affected, it causes movement to push away any swelling or inflammation which may be blocking circulation and squeezing things like sensitive nerve endings. When the pressure is released the pain goes. The extra energy created by the Acupuncture stimulation then helps to bring fresh oxygen and blood into the area which also encourages it to heal.
In Chinese Medicine the Acupuncture needles simply stimulate the energy in the body when they are inserted. This causes extra energetic activity in the area that is in pain. By powering up the area affected, it causes movement to push away any swelling or inflammation which may be blocking circulation and squeezing things like sensitive nerve endings. When the pressure is released the pain goes. The extra energy created by the Acupuncture stimulation then helps to bring fresh oxygen and blood into the area which also encourages it to heal.
The largest, most detailed and meticulous western study showing the effects of Acupuncture and pain in the body was funded by the American government’s National Institutes Of Health. It was led by Dr. Andrew J. Vickers who with a team of over thirty scientists from America, England, Sweden, Germany and other western countries thoroughly re-investigated the work of previous studies involving over 18,000 people.
With a detailed re-analysis of this earlier research they found that Acupuncture is a safe, relatively non-invasive effective treatment for dealing with pain associated with a multitude of different conditions.
The work was carried out over a period of six years and was published in the journal – Archives Of Internal Medicine.
At the end of the research Doctor Vickers concluded that there was “firm evidence supporting acupuncture for the treatment of chronic pain".
The overall findings from the study concluded that Acupuncture outperformed standard care when used by people for problems such as back, neck, shoulder pain and conditions such as migraines and osteoarthritis.
The work was carried out over a period of six years and was published in the journal – Archives Of Internal Medicine.
At the end of the research Doctor Vickers concluded that there was “firm evidence supporting acupuncture for the treatment of chronic pain".
The overall findings from the study concluded that Acupuncture outperformed standard care when used by people for problems such as back, neck, shoulder pain and conditions such as migraines and osteoarthritis.
Study Ref - Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(19):1444-1453. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2012.3654
There are also many other methods used in Chinese Medicine for the relief of pain. Such as Chinese Herbal Medicine, Cupping Therapy, Moxibustion and Tuina Medical Massage.
All of these therapies are available at the Leixlip Chinese Medicine Clinic...