The vast majority of money spent in Western Medicine is not on "health care" but instead on disease care.
Money is spent on creating profitable new drugs and new technologies and treatments, rather than on non-profit making education and prevention.
Thus in today's society most people are being falsely lulled by the western medical industry into a fake sense of security with dreams of magic pills and futuristic machines and computer chips, which will supposedly manage and enhance their bodies without any effort from themselves.
Maybe at some time in the far distant future this might be a possibility. But current technology is nowhere even close to accomplishing this.
The human body and its interactions with the natural world which we live in are vastly complex. They are currently well beyond what science is capable of manipulating in any meaningful way.
Instead, the reality is that even with so called advancements in science, we as a people are not becoming healthier but are actually suffering from more illnesses and diseases than at any other time in our current modern history.
For the last twenty years, nearly every type of major illness has increased. And for the last four years, the average lifespan in both the USA and in England has actually declined. We are now not just dying younger, but we are also suffering from more health problems, not just in older age, but all the way throughout our lives as well ...