Back Pain Treatment At
The Leixlip Acupuncture And
Chinese Medicine Clinic ...
Back pains and aches have now become a common issue for many people.
Acupuncture, when performed correctly, is excellent for treating this problem.
It is even now one of the Acupuncture treatments recommended and provided for free by the National Health Service in England.
Acupuncture, when performed correctly, is excellent for treating this problem.
It is even now one of the Acupuncture treatments recommended and provided for free by the National Health Service in England.
Myles has been treating back pains and aches for over twenty years and has perfected techniques to help back problems heal as quickly as possible.
He uses a combination of Acupuncture, Tuina, infra red heat therapy and herbal balms.
And he will also use cupping and moxibustion at any time when they would be deemed beneficial.
He uses a combination of Acupuncture, Tuina, infra red heat therapy and herbal balms.
And he will also use cupping and moxibustion at any time when they would be deemed beneficial.
If you would like to make an appointment for treatment then please click here to send an email to the clinic.
In business for over twenty years
Providing the highest and best quality
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
for Leixlip, Lucan, Celbridge, Maynooth, Dublin
and all surrounding areas.
Providing the highest and best quality
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
for Leixlip, Lucan, Celbridge, Maynooth, Dublin
and all surrounding areas.