This article is the first of many which will address the importance of getting good quality sleep to help prevent the growth and occurrence of cancer in the body.
This first blog discusses a study led by doctors Hakim and Gozal, conducted in the University of Chicago and appearing in the medical journal Cancer Research.
What these doctors found was that poor quality broken sleep seems to lead to weakening of the immune system and more aggressive growth in tumours.
Their experiments over two years involved injecting mice with tumour cells and then separating them into two groups. One group was allowed to have full undisturbed sleep, whilst the other group was awoken frequently.
The disturbing results from the experiments found that the tumours in the mice with broken sleep where twice the size of those with good quality sleep. They also showed that the cancers were much more aggressive and had penetrated into surrounding tissues.
Obviously from these results the team of doctors suggested that everyone both with or without cancer should be doing their best to get good deep quality sleep.
What these doctors found was that poor quality broken sleep seems to lead to weakening of the immune system and more aggressive growth in tumours.
Their experiments over two years involved injecting mice with tumour cells and then separating them into two groups. One group was allowed to have full undisturbed sleep, whilst the other group was awoken frequently.
The disturbing results from the experiments found that the tumours in the mice with broken sleep where twice the size of those with good quality sleep. They also showed that the cancers were much more aggressive and had penetrated into surrounding tissues.
Obviously from these results the team of doctors suggested that everyone both with or without cancer should be doing their best to get good deep quality sleep.
In further blogs I will be referring to many more scientific studies to show just how important and beneficial it is to get quality sleep to prevent or to help in the treatment of cancer.
I will also be giving useful tips on how to get peaceful sleep and a good night's rest in future blogs.
Study Reference - Cancer Res. 2014 Mar 1; 74(5): 1329–1337
I will also be giving useful tips on how to get peaceful sleep and a good night's rest in future blogs.
Study Reference - Cancer Res. 2014 Mar 1; 74(5): 1329–1337