There is an old tale of a wise Cherokee Indian chief who one day offered his grandson a sage piece of advice ...
He told him about a great and important battle that goes on inside of all people ...
“My grandson, the fight is between two ‘wolves’ that live inside of us all.
One wolf is called Unhappiness; he is fear, anger, bitterness, jealousy, hatred, desire, greed, arrogance, self pity and resentment.
And the other is known as Happiness; he is joy, love, hope, peace, contentment, compassion, honesty and wisdom.”
He told him about a great and important battle that goes on inside of all people ...
“My grandson, the fight is between two ‘wolves’ that live inside of us all.
One wolf is called Unhappiness; he is fear, anger, bitterness, jealousy, hatred, desire, greed, arrogance, self pity and resentment.
And the other is known as Happiness; he is joy, love, hope, peace, contentment, compassion, honesty and wisdom.”
The young boy thought about this for a while, and then enquired ...
“But grandfather, which wolf wins ?”
To this the wise old man simply replied …
“Whichever one you feed.”
“But grandfather, which wolf wins ?”
To this the wise old man simply replied …
“Whichever one you feed.”